Teleradiology Services For Hospitals & Emergency Rooms In 2025

NDI provides reliable teleradiology services to receive diagnostic imaging studies, as well as to transmit radiology interpretations and reports to our hospital partners. U.S. hospital radiology diagnostic imaging departments contract with NDI for teleradiology reporting services to achieve cost savings and to improve patient care. In 2025, the easiest way for hospitals to get online access to teleradiology services in the United States is to call National Diagnostic Imaging at 1-800-950-5257 or email
In 2025, NDI Is Delivering High Quality Radiologic Interpretations To US Hospital Radiology Departments And Emergency Rooms Via Teleradiology
For radiology, U.S. hospitals send images over the Internet to a team of radiologists located in another state or country, who interpret the image and send back a timely interpretation and diagnosis.
Teleradiology streamlines diagnostic imaging services for hospitals.
Advanced Teleradiology Services For Emergency Rooms And Urgent Care
These profound technological advances have inspired numerous radiology groups such as National Diagnostic Imaging to begin providing teleradiology services across state lines to hospitals and emergency rooms.
Emergency radiology is an essential part of a radiology practice and has progressed into a recognized subspecialty throughout the United States.
Emergency radiology at the National Diagnostic Imaging company has evolved into a unique radiology subspecialty that requires a specialized skillset. NDI radiologists make timely and accurate diagnosis of acutely and critically ill or traumatized patients.
NDI provides professional services to some of the country’s largest post-acute care hospital systems. NDI’s teleradiology services promote innovative new treatments and help with the staffing of skilled nuclear radiologists.
Teleradiology makes it easy for NDI radiologists to deliver quality radiologic interpretations to hospitals and other emergency healthcare facilities. NDI teleradiology services meet the needs of hospital radiology group and hospital Emergency Department staffs.
National Diagnostic Imaging teleradiology services for hospitals are based on the electronic capture, transmission, storage, and retrieval of images for remote viewing and interpretation.
NDI provides comprehensive radiology interpretations and teleradiology services for all types of hospitals in the U.S., including urban, rural, urban, large, small, large, urgent care and emergency rooms.
NDI provides teleradiology services to emergency medicine doctors located all across the US. Our teleradiology services are an ideal option for emergency radiology and quality radiologic interpretations due to timely turnaround times, extremely high accuracy rates and real-time access to subspecialty trained radiologists.
NDI radiologists interpret diagnostic imaging studies ordered through emergency departments from a remote location. NDI provides teleradiology services to emergency rooms that do not offer full-time coverage by a radiologist.
NDI teleradiology services enable off-site radiologists to provide timely interpretations of emergency room studies in order to improve patient care. In 2025, NDI teleradiology services were used extensively by hospitals and emergency care centers.
NDI provides diagnostic imaging interpretations via teleradiology to hospitals that want their patients to receive an accurate and timely diagnosis and outstanding treatment.

NDI subspecialty trained radiologists provide expert and timely diagnostic imaging reports and consultations to hospital clinicians via teleradiology so that they can decide on the best treatment option for their patients.
National Diagnostic Imaging (NDI) provides subspecialty teleradiology services to hospitals and freestanding emergency departments (FSED). NDI provides a wide variety of teleradiology solutions for hospitals.
Hospital administrators can contact NDI to request teleradiology services or diagnostic imaging interpretations by calling 216-514-1199, emailing or submitting the form below.
Small and mid-sized hospitals that need cost effective radiology reading services, use NDI teleradiology services. Off-site US board certified radiologists at NDI receive electronically transmitted diagnostic imaging studies such as X-rays, CT scans and MRIs from hospitals.

NDI radiologists read and interpret radiology exams, tests and images and their written reports are sent back to hospitals via teleradiology systems.
NDI teleradiology services deliver detailed and comprehensive radiologic interpretations to hospital radiology departments and emergency rooms. Teleradiology is one of the most advanced parts of telemedicine in the United States.
Hospital radiology departments and emergency rooms contract with NDI for teleradiology reporting services to achieve cost savings, boost productivity, improve patient care and to streamline their radiology operations.

NDI teleradiology services and radiology reading services provide hospitals with timely access to a radiologist.
Telemedicine technologies such as teleradiology are used to link hospitals with subspecialty trained radiologists at National Diagnostic Imaging.
NDI teleradiology services decrease report turnaround times and improve service levels in emergency rooms at community hospitals.
How Hospitals Can Request NDI Teleradiology Services
Call 216-514-1199, email or submit the form here to request teleradiology services from the National Diagnostic Imaging teleradiology company.
Please contact National Diagnostic Imaging to discuss teleradiology reporting services for your hospital.
US Hospitals Use NDI Teleradiology Services And Off-Site Radiologists To Interpret Medical Images Remotely
National Diagnostic Imaging is one of the top teleradiology providers for hospital radiology departments. Rural hospitals in remote areas use NDI teleradiology services to compensate for their shortage of radiologists.
Numerous rural hospitals in the United States provision some of their radiology services to the National Diagnostic Imaging teleradiology company.

National Diagnostic Imaging often provides teleradiology coverage to hospitals that need interpretations of radiological procedures in multiple modalities.
Radiologists at National Diagnostic Imaging submit their detailed and comprehensive findings and interpretations to hospital diagnostic imaging departments via PACS software and teleradiology technology.
Modern teleradiology technology allows easy and rapid patient image access using mobile devices, in and outside the hospital.

Hospitals that do not have an in-house radiology department use NDI teleradiology services for remote reading and reporting of imaging to save money.
Teleradiology Service Costs For Hospitals
NDI teleradiology systems provide quick interpretation of radiologic images for patients in underserved hospitals and in healthcare facilities that to do not have a full-time radiologist.
Get more information about NDI teleradiology service costs for hospitals, here.

NDI teleradiology services improve emergency service coverage at hospitals.
Learn more about hardware and communication costs for diagnostic teleradiology systems for hospitals in this PDF.
When the volume of patient exams reaches a certain threshold, US hospitals can achieve cost savings by switching from visiting radiologist services to NDI teleradiology services.
NDI’s teleradiology service fee structure and rates for formal final interpretations for hospitals and emergency rooms range from $12 to 99 per study, depending on the imaging modality.
Radiology departments and hospital system businesses pay National Diagnostic Imaging for outsourced radiology services and outsourced imaging study interpretations. This allows hospitals to defray costs and expenses because NDI’s teleradiology solutions are more cost-effective options than employing a part-time staff to cover workflow.
US Telecardiology Service To Diagnose Heart Disease

The NDI telecardiology company provides remote online reporting of cardiac imaging studies of the circulatory system, cardiovascular system, heart and blood vessels. NDI telecardiology services are used by U.S. cardiovascular imaging centers to receive remote interpretations of electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) results from heart imaging specialists online.
NDI Radiology Scan Reading And Interpretation Fees For Hospitals And Emergency Rooms
2025 NDI Radiology Scan Reading And Interpretation Fees
- CT Scan Reads And Interpretation Rates From $40 Per Study
- X-Ray Scan Reads And Interpretation Rates From $12 Per Study
- Cardiology Scan Reads And Interpretation Rates From $14 Per Study
- MRI Scan Reads And Interpretation Rates From $48 Per Study
- Musculoskeletal (MSK) Scan Reads And Interpretation Rates From $12 Per Study
- Ultrasound Scan Reads And Interpretation Rates From $25 Per Study
- Mammogram Scan Reads And Interpretation Rates From $32 Per Study
- Echocardiogram Scan Reads And Interpretation Rates From $45 Per Study
- PET CT Reading, Interpretation And Reporting Rates From $99 Per Study
- Nuclear Imaging Reading, Interpretation And Reporting Prices From $36 Per Study
- B Reads, B Reading Interpretations and B-Reader Fees From $38 Per Study

US hospitals utilize NDI teleradiology services because it is expensive to have a radiologist on-site.
More Information About NDI Teleradiology Services For Hospitals
National Diagnostic Imaging is a US teleradiology services company that provides radiology reading services to hospitals, emergency rooms and imaging centers throughout the United States.
Hospitals can request teleradiology prices or radiology reading rates, here. Hospitals can get a second opinion radiology interpretation online, here. Hospitals can request a teleradiology services agreement and costs online, here.
Hospitals can request teleradiology services from NDI, here. Hospitals can submit a request for quote (RFQ) or a request for proposal (RFP) for radiology reading services or teleradiology services, here.
Teleradiology has been a valuable tool to providing more timely radiologic interpretations, low miss rates and better quality of service. Teleradiology has delivered interpretations to hospitals, emergency rooms and IDTF’s that do not have access to the routine reporting in the past.
NDI was founded in 2003 and is managed by a working radiologist, Dr. David H. Berns. NDI radiologists and cardiologists work with hospitals, imaging centers, private medical practices and referring physicians throughout the United States.
NDI provides certified radiology reporting for hospitals, clinics, ambulatory surgical centers and radiology centers via teleradiology for the following types of services.
- Emergency
- Nighthawk
- Day Time Coverage
- Sub-specialty Reading
- Cardiac Reading
- Neuroradiology
- Nuclear Scans
- Musculoskeletal Studies
- Clinical Trials
NDI provides teleradiology services to hospitals for the following modalities.
- X-ray Scans
- CT Scan
- MRI Scan
- Ultrasound Scans
- Nuclear Scans
- Cardiac Echo
- Mammography
- Electromammography
Accreditation Programs For Diagnostic Imaging Centers In The U.S.

Diagnostic imaging lets doctors look inside human and animal bodies for clues about a medical condition. A variety of machines and techniques can create pictures of the structures and activities inside the body. The type of imaging a doctor uses depends on the symptoms and the part of your body being examined. Ultrasonography is a popular diagnostic imaging tool that looks inside a dog or cat’s body via the use of sound waves.
ACR Accreditation is recognized as the gold standard in medical imaging. The ACR offers accreditation programs in CT, MRI, breast MRI, nuclear medicine and PET as mandated under the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) as well as for modalities mandated under the Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA). Accreditation application and evaluation are typically completed within 90 days.
The ACR has accredited more than 39,000 facilities in 10 imaging modalities. They offer accreditation programs in Mammography, CT, MRI, Breast MRI, Nuclear Medicine and PET, Ultrasound, Breast Ultrasound and Stereotactic Breast Biopsy.
The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) accredits educational programs in radiography, radiation therapy, magnetic resonance, and medical dosimetry.
The National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC) provides the structure and resources you need to develop and operate a high-quality breast center. Programs that are accredited by the NAPBC follow a model for organizing and managing a breast center to facilitate multidisciplinary, integrated, comprehensive breast cancer services.
Get information from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) about their requirements for accreditation of advanced diagnostic imaging suppliers, here.
The Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) is a nonprofit, nationally recognized accrediting organization. The IAC was founded by medical professionals to advance appropriate utilization, standardization and quality of diagnostic imaging and intervention-based procedures.
The IAC is a nonprofit organization in operation to evaluate and accredit facilities that provide diagnostic imaging and procedure-based modalities, thus improving the quality of patient care provided in private offices, clinics and hospitals where such services are performed.
With a 30-year history of offering medical accreditation to facilities within the U.S. and Canada, IAC is also now offering accreditation in international markets. The IAC programs for accreditation are dedicated to ensuring quality patient care and promoting health care and all support one common mission: Improving health care through accreditation®.
The ACVR is the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) recognized veterinary specialty organization™ for certification of Radiology, Radiation Oncology and Equine Diagnostic Imaging.
If you are a radiology imaging service in the United States that is looking for a company that can provide teleradiology coverage for your current and future case volume, contact National Diagnostic Imaging by phone at 216-514-1199 or by emailing
Imaging Facilities Accredited by the American College of Radiology
Use this search form to find imaging facilities accredited by the American College of Radiology.
Facilities: To verify the accreditation status of specific units within your imaging facility, please call 1-800-770-0145.
ACR Accredited Facility Designations
Video Posted On You On November 11, 2015 By RadiologyACR