Referring Physician Portal In The NDI PACS System
National Diagnostic Imaging has designed a unique feature within our PACS system. The PACSstar software program features a Referring Physician Portal. We use a referring physician portal to collaborate and support our referring physicians in order to enhance their productivity. This feature enables the referring physicians who ordered the radiology exams for their patients, the ability to receive all their reports via a private login to the PACSstar system of their own. They will be able to keep their patients studies/reports and all the images right at their fingertips!
We set up the users of this feature and provide training to our centers technicians so they in turn can train their physicians and staff. Guides are sent to the center and the referring doctors and staff to aide in the initial use of this feature. Our staff at NDI is available to help train as many times as needed to utilize this added feature of our software. All this comes at no additional cost to the centers or their physicians.
Feel free to contact NDI if this is something you would like to take advantage of!